How To Overcome Self Sabotage

Sometimes the setbacks we hit are ones we create ourselves. Whether its because we feel unworthy, lazy, or unmotivated the end result is Self Sabotage. Self Sabotage is to sabotage oneself or one's own plans or progress whether consciously or subconsciously

So, how do we overcome Self Sabotage?


We start by understanding the “why?” A majority of the time, self sabotaging comes from the need to feel comfortable. When one makes the decision to change their life, they can also become overwhelmed by the “newness” or “awkwardness” that is said change. It’s how our brains are wired. If the “Why” is self doubt, then do not fear, we will talk about over coming self doubt next week.

Next we are going to accept the discomfort. Instead of thinking about the negativity of your current uncomfortableness, think of how much more happy you’ll be once you achieve your goal.

Okay. Now it’s time to reevaluate our goal. This means going back to the SMART goals and updating to ease into your goals to be more comfortable.

Lastly, find someone to support you when you can’t support yourself. #accountabilitybuddy. Reaching our goals is so much easier when we have someone there cheering us on.

Now that you’ve gone through these step it’s time to take action and move forward. You got this!

And they your go! You are on your way to overcoming your self sabotage! If you have any questions about developing a growth mindset, feel free to reach out and comment below! If you like what you read, sign up for my newsletter so you are first to know when self-care blogs are posted!

Until next time :)

Briana Fountain