How To Find Relevant Skills to Learn While Unemployed

Learning a new skill is hard when you are working at 9 to 5 because let’s be honest, you just want to sit in front of the TV after work. That is why learning a new skill while unemployed is key. Not only does it fill up your free time, it also adds to your marketability during your job search. 

Now that you know you want to learn a new skill, what are the best ways to find relevant skills?

You can always start with skills that are transferable along most careers including the Microsoft Suites programs or learning a new language. However if you are looking for something more tailored, then this is a great time to look into new versions of computer programs that you already use. Let’s say you are an architect in training. You can look into the latest updates to the SketchUp software. You can also look at upcoming trends within your field and tailor new skills towards those trends.

The best places to find courses from least to most expensive are

  • Youtube, which is free and has plenty of content on most subjects.

  • Your local library, which may offer courses online.

  • Apps, apps like duolingo is a great way to learn languages

  • Online Webinars/ Courses, these can range anywhere from $10 to $200. My favorite websites for online courses are Udemy, Coursera, and Kajabi.

  • College Continuing Education Websites, these are full of useful courses that will be more relevant to your career if you choose to look at courses from the university attended. The only problem is that these courses are typically in person and can be very pricey.

And that is how you find relevant skills, if you liked this blog and want to learn more about learning, then check out the rest of my Career and Education blogs here.

Until next time :)

Briana Fountain