The Quarter Life Crisis Chronicles: An Introduction

Millennials kill everything. If you don’t believe me, take a look at these headlines found in a google search…

Apparently we are ruining everything, but very few people have asked why. Now I am fully aware that google has biased research results based on the user, however, I do want to emphasize what life was like for the youngest of Millennials growing up, so here’s a quick timeline of events:

1990: Beginning of the Gulf War

1992: The Real World Debuts

1993: The Bombing Attack on the World Trade Center happens. Two years later we have the bombings at Oklahoma City and Centennial Olympic Park a year later.

1993: The World Wide Web is open to the public

1998: Google launches

1999: The Columbine shooting takes place

2001: The 9/11 Attacks take place

2001: the first invasion of Afghanistan takes place

2002: No Child Left Behind is passed. Like a lot of children who shouldn’t have… passed

2003: the Iraq War begins

2004: Facebook is launched.

2005: Hurricane Katrina wrecks Louisiana and the South East

2007: The Shooting at Virginia Tech

2007: The Great Recession begins

2007: The first IPhone is released.

2008: Obama is elected. #mypresidentisblack

2010: The BP oil spill occurs. Once again proving that corporations do not care about the environment.

2011: The Occupy Movement begins

2013: The Boston Marathon Bombing takes place. 2013: George Zimmerman is acquitted bringing about the Black Lives Matter movement.

2014: ISIS forms

2015: Same Sex marriage is legalized

2016: DAPL once again proves that corporations do not care about the environment or Native Americans

2017: Trump begins his presidency.

2017: The #metoo movement begins.

2018: Mixed Race American Meghan Markle marries into the royal family.

2018: The mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas sparks the March For Our Lives movement.

Excuse my language but it’s a wonder why we are fucked up. We grew up in a world full of wars, our parents divorced, the economy went to shit, corporations killed the earth, and the political climate became toxic, damn near poisonous. And despite technological advancements, and a few progressive movements, life is not all peachy keen. And you know what sucks? That we can’t cry into all of those participation trophies given to us. #hottake. And you know where that has led us? To having a Quarter Life crisis…

It’s that wonderful age. After graduation before your dirty thirty when you quite literally have no idea what the hell is going on. Not in your career, your relationships, or friendships. Do you go out? Stay in? Dye your hair? Get a new tattoo? Cry? Do I run away to another state or just have a mental breakdown?

The Quarter Life Crisis Chronicles: A series about that pesky little crisis that torments our mid-twenties and the many things that cause it.

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Briana Fountain