Vision Board? Let's Talk Vision Book

Since we are Manifesting this March. I wanted to talk to you all about a different approach I am taking on how I go about manifesting in the long run. I do this with a Vision Book.


What is a Vision Board?

So let’s start with the idea of a vision board. A vision board is a collage of images, pictures, and affirmations of one's dreams and desires, designed to serve like a source of inspiration and motivation (Wikipedia). Just like writing down your goal makes you more likely to achieve it, so does a vision board. Now, why did I take this a step further and create a vision book? Simply, its a better way to organize your long term goals.

Vision Board v Vision Book

When we manifest, we like to envision the best version of ourselves. Most people create a vision board to record yearly goals, however, it is really great to have a longer vision for your life. The idea of a vision board having an expiration date can put unnecessary pressure on us to achieve our goals in a specific timeframe. A vision book says more of “this is where I want to be, whether its within this year or in five years or longer”.

So, what does a Vision Book look like?

Well, It starts with the Seven Wellbeings and a bit of manifest journaling. When you start this journaling, you need to be writing from the perspective of already having everything you want. This is first person, present tense point of view. A personal example of this is “I am a Registered Architect and Interior Designer with lots of career success. My name is well known within my community, and I am the premiere wellness Designer in my field” Now this is an example from the Career Wellbeing, but you are going to want to do this with all seven. As a quick recap the Seven Wellbeings are Career, Education, Mental, Physical, Social, Relationship, and Financial.


After journaling, you are going to want to start pulling images of what you envision. You can also create pages of what you desire most. For me, it’s a beautiful, well designed home. Therefore, a lot of my vision book has images pulled from Elle Decor and other home magazines. For you, it could be a dream car, a dream vacation, or a dream family.

And then its time to personalize it. You can add page dividers, scrapbook stickers, glitter, whatever you want. With a vision book, you are allowed to dream big, plan accordingly, and won’t have the pressure of an end year deadline. You can add to it as you begin achieving your goals, and then it becomes a record of everything you have achieved. Best of all? It’s convenient. You don’t have to figure out where to hang it up or if it’s going to clash with your home decor. This also means you don’t have the pressure of putting on your vision board what people expect from you (because they wont see it). Also having things written out is going to put power to paper and take them from dreams to actual goals.

So are you ready to take this Manifestation March to the next level and start a Vision Book? Let me know in the comments, and please share them on social media with the hashtag #blossomsvisionbook.


With that, I bid you happy manifesting!

If you have any questions about manifesting, feel free to reach out and comment below! If you like what you read, sign up for my newsletter so you are first to know when self-care blogs are posted!

Until next time :)

Briana Fountain