10 Ways to Practice Self Love

Has a stranger come up to you and tell you how beautiful or handsome you are and you get very self conscious and question why they think that? Do you sit around and critique every single aspect of your life? Then you my friend are not practicing Self Love.

Self Love influences how we present ourselves, the friends we keep, and how we choose to be in a relationship.

Self-love is having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Self love goes deeper than mild confidence. It is truly appreciating yourself in every aspect of your being. Self Love grows when you take actions (including self care).

So, if you are wanting a little more self love, here are ten things you can do to practice more self love:

Give yourself permission to rest when you are tired.

If you want to know how to create a self care plan, you can check out my blog here


Start a Journal!

Here are a few self love journal prompts to get you started:

- How do I think people perceive me? How do I perceive myself?

- When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone? What was that experience like?

- When was one situation where I reacted inappropriately? How would you react differently now?

Unfollow social media pages that make you question your self worth.

Social media should be used as a means to motivate, teach, and inspire. If they are not doing that, get rid of it!

Set some goals for yourself!

Setting goals is important because it gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. It focuses your time and energy into the most important parts of your life.

Need help setting goals? Check out my worksheets in The Shoppe.

Surround yourself with people you’d like to be with.

Remember, you are the company you keep!

Practice Positive Affirmations!

There are so many ways to speak positive words to yourself whether that be for your career, as a student, mentally, physically, with your friends, significant other, or financially.

Create positive coping mechanisms.

What do you do when you are sad? Is it self destructive like binge shopping or overeating? Yeah, let’s stop that and create more positive cathartic responses to negative situations


Celebrate your uniqueness

You are one of a kind! Here are some affirmations for celebrating your uniqueness:

- I have beautiful qualities to offer this world.

- I choose to stop apologizing for being me.

- I honor my quirks as they are my superpower.

I put no conditions on my acceptance of myself.

Create a motivational playlist!

Music influences our mood soooo much! Create a playlist that makes you feel like a powerful being.

With that, I bid you a happy year filled with self love and motivation!

If you have any questions about self care, feel free to reach out and comment below! If you like what you read, sign up for my newsletter so you are first to know when self-care blogs are posted!

Until next time :)

Briana Fountain