Cathartic Crafts: Coffee Scrub

Hello! and welcome to my first Cathartic Craft blog. This is a mini-series within the Self Care blogs where I teach you how to make easy crafts designed to improve your wellness. Up first is my DIY Coffee Scrub. This scrub was the perfect addition to the relaunch of The Blooming Babe and is one its video is one of four launch day videos you can find on my IGTV.

I love DIY scrubs because most of the ingredients can be found in the kitchen, they are quick to make, and it can turn a regular Sunday into an at-home spa day. I started making this scrub in college and after trying some store-bought scrubs in adulthood, went back to my self-care roots. Coffee scrubs are great because they help exfoliate the skin, help reduces the appearance of cellulite, reduces inflammation, and moisturizes the skin. Best of all, all of the ingredients are in your kitchen :)

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  • I cup of coffee grinds

  • 1/2 cup of sugar

  • 1/2 cup of olive oil

  • 1 tbsp of honey

  • measuring spoons, cups, and a mixing bowl

So, how do you make the scrub? Check out the video below for instructions and tips!

A few key items from the video:

  • ALWAYS do a skin patch test to ensure you are not allergic to any ingredients

  • Use finer grained coffee grinds to prevent microtears in the skin

  • Have fun :)

If you have any questions about coffee scrubs and its properties, feel free to reach out and comment below! If you like what you read, sign up for my newsletter so you are first to know when self-care blogs are posted!

Until next time :)

Briana Fountain