6 Manifestation Techniques to Attract Everything You Want in Life

Manifestation also known as the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. By focusing on the good and using that energy, we can continue to bring positive outcomes into our lives. Adding manifestation to our everyday routines, we can attract everything we want in life. Here are six ways you can get started!

The 369 Method

This one is simple. You start with understanding what you want to manifest. Then you write it three times in the morning, six times during the day, and nine times at night. Easy right?

The 777 Method

This one is pretty easy also. Like for every manifestation session, you’re going to want to have a clear understanding of what you want to manifest. Then you’ll write it or speak it 7 times in the morning and 7 times in the evening for 7 consecutive days

The Pillow Method

I love this method for one simple reason; it ends your day on an uplifting note. For this method you will write down what you want to manifest, and put it under your pillow. That’s it!

The Visualization Method

This works best during or after some good meditation. What you do is close your eyes, and visualize the life you want as if you already have it focusing on how you feel. For that little extra push, use your five senses to help further immerse yourself into the visualization. What do you see? What do you smell? What sounds fill your ears? What are you eating? What textures are you feeling?

Walk It Like You Talk It

This is the fake it ‘til you make it method. When you start acting as though you deserve these things, you will continue to attract them. This is also a very practical method for getting where you want to go. If you want to work in tech, then go to the spaces where people in tech go. Who knows? You might meet someone looking to hire.

Vision Board or Vision Book.

A vision board is a collage of images, pictures, and affirmations of one's dreams and desires, designed to serve like a source of inspiration and motivation (Wikipedia). Just like writing down your goal makes you  more likely to achieve it, so does a vision board. Now I like to take it a step further and create an entire book! For a guide to create can read more about How To Create A Vision Book.

With that, I bid you happy manifesting!

If you have any questions about manifesting, feel free to reach out and comment below! If you like what you read, sign up for my newsletter so you are first to know when self-care blogs are posted!

Until next time :)

Briana Fountain