How to Create A Self Care Plan

Self Care is how we take care of ourselves to sustain our wellbeing. When you practice self-care, you are taking steps to consciously put your health first. Although we may believe this to be selfish, self-care is essential to refueling our body, minds, and spirit. It is a set of activities used as a means to refresh and revitalize us rather than deplete us. 

Step One: Identify Your Needs

  • This is as simple as asking yourself what you need? This is a good time to write out a list based on the 7 Wellbeings

      • Do I need time off of work?

      • Do I need a change of pace in my day to day?

      • Do I need to pray? Meditate? Journal?

      • Do I need to release tension from my body through yoga or a massage?

      • Do I need a spa day?

      • Do I just need a good meal?

      • Do I need to spend some time with friends and family?

      • Do I need a weekend baecation?

      • Do I need to go on an adventure? Change of scenery?

      • Do I need to volunteer or support a cause in my community?

      • Do I just need some retail therapy?

      • Do I need to create a budget to feel more in control of my finances?

Step Two: Curate your Self Care Menu

  • Select the activities that you need the most. This ensures you are getting the most out of this experience.

Step Three: Plan Your Day

  • This should include

    • The activity

    • Where it will be taking place

    • When it will happen

    • The products you need to make it happen

    • Time limits

    • Cost

  • Then put them on a calendar/schedule

Step Four: Do it!

  • This is when you go for it! It might seem a little intimidating at first, but once you start, everything should flow.

Step Five: Evaluate the Results

  • Once everything is said and done and you’ve zenned out. Take some time to reflect on how effective each of your activities were. 

If you have any questions about maintaining your mental health during the COVID Crisis, feel free to reach out and comment below! If you like what you read, sign up for my newsletter so you are first to know when new mental health blogs are posted!

Until next time :)

Briana Fountain