The Biggest Bang for your Buck: Gift Giving

The Biggest Bang for your Buck : Gift Giving

  • The best gift is a goal gift

    • Investing in your friends is an invaluable gift.

    • Learn what goals they have for themselves and align your gift with one of those goals.

    • Understand the difference between a trendy obsession and a passion hobby. There’s a difference between liking make up and wanting to be a make up artist.

  • The best way to learn how to do this is to train to be an active listener.

    • As you get closer to their birthday, Christmas, or whatever gift giving occasion, make an active effort to listen to what your friend, SO, or family member is saying. I can guarantee they have mentioned something they want or have given hints as to what you could get them as a goal gift.

  • If you can’t afford exactly why they need, something is better than nothing. The gift should be an investment not the final product.

  • Don’t forget to humble brag in a small way by including a note in the card about the intent of the gift. As an example, if your friend likes to hike and you buy them hiking gear, write something like “For your next trip :)”

    • I can guarantee that they will appreciate knowing that you not only pay attention, but that you invest in them

  • If all else fails, give them cash.

Briana Fountain