Everything You Need To Know About Five Year Plans
A five year plan is essentially a very specific set of goals that you have for yourself that will take more than a few months to accomplish. When it comes to your career, a five year plan is specifically where you want to be in five years. Do you want to be in a higher position in your office? Do you want to move to a new office? Do you want a completely different career? These are the questions that a five year plan will help answer.
So how do you create a five year plan?
Well, start by imagining everything you want out of your career in the five years. What do you want to accomplish. These can be as big as a promotion or as small as a window seat in the office. When you are doing this be as specific as possible. Imagine what you want to look like. What are you wearing? I personally will be dressing like Olivia Pope circa the second season. Where are you working? Are you at the same office? A bigger office? Your own office? What projects have you finished? What impact will you have had?
As soon as you start writing these goals, existential dread may begin to set in and you may begin to feel overwhelmed. But don’t fear! You are worthy of everything you see for yourself in the future and you have 5 years, 60 months, 1,825 days to make it happen!
Next, is to begin creating your road map. If you are a member of my email list then you received a series of wonderful freebies that will guide you through the goal setting and goal achieving process. If you want these freebies, sign up for my email list below :)
As an overview, to create and achieve your goal achieving road map, here are the steps:
Ask where you want to be
Access where you are
Understand the “Why?” behind the goal
Ensure your goal is SMART
If you are not sure what that means, check out my SMART Goal blog here
Ask yourself how you are going to achieve this goal
Ask yourself how you are going to hold yourself accountable and track your progress
Develop skills and habits
And when it is all said and done. CELEBRATE
After that, we are doing it. We are going to fake it until we make it. But instead of faking it, we are going to start learning to become it. We are going to practice becoming the person that we want to be. So what does future you consume? What are you listening to and watching? Now, go through your phone and your netflix and tailor that media to support that person.
Lastly, remember you are a badass and capable of having the life you want. Remember to start small and keep going until you get where you want to be.
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Thanks y’all and until next time :)